Chesterville Secondary School
Chesterville Secondary School is located in central Chesterville, off Road 1 (Mahlati Road). The school caters for Grades 8 to 12, has a learner population of 738 and 22 educators. The principal aims to convert the school into an FET (Further Education & Training) secondary school. This involves gradually including technical subjects (e.g. technical drawing, mechanics, catering & hospitality) into the Grade 10-12 syllabi, as funds and resources allow. This should facilitate the matriculants' employment potential as well as their ability to become self-employed.
The Grade 12 pass rate at Chesterville Secondary School in 2007 was only 58%, suggesting that the general standard of education requires attention. The school building, classroom facilities and school grounds are in disrepair and certainly not conducive to a positive learning environment. It is also important to address the quality of education being provided through empowering the principal, school governing body, management team and educators.
- Maintenance of the school buildings & property
- Classroom & teaching facility upgrades & equipping
- Support & the transfer of skills to the Principal, Governing Body & Management Team
- Provide catalyst projects to spark vision & enthusiasm
- Encourage & support incentives & rewards for performance (e.g. annual prizegiving